Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Benoist-Berthiot S.T.O.P. 8098 Cinemascope

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Amplifier assembly PCB on the Elmo ST-1200

King Kong (1933), Mountain Films, Super 8, 6x400', sound

Tonight I had a few friends over and we watched, with great anticipation, King Kong (1933). Here's how I set up the screening room.

Sound on the first reel seems to be a bit poor. The picture is quite sharp though.

Once the story moved to the island, the grandeur captivated the audience. There were a few smirks here and there at the tribal culture but nothing really derisive.

Of course, in such films how can love be avoided. Of course, in tribal cultures how can the stereotypical sacrifice be avoided.

This was it! Kong arrived. The seller had assured me that this print is the uncut full feature. Watching Kong eat dinosaurs, and people, I think it is the full feature too. The violence in this film makes Peter Jackson's version feel like Finding Nemo. Speaking of oceans, when the Brontosaurus sinks the raft, it even felt like Jaws.

I created another collage of Kong on the Empire State Building, but have accidentally deleted it. Sorry!

The six of us who attended liked it very much. My guests even suggested I charge a dollar or two in future. Somehow, it doesn't seem right. We here want more folks to know what film is like. They must know what movies were like. Films are probably best showcased for free.