Thursday, March 20, 2008

An Hour Past Deadline

Procrastination is main traits of a grad student. A quarter long assignment has been reduced to a five day effort. When two days of coding and three days of simulation reduces to a one line result, "Matrix is singular to working precision.", there is nothing much one can do one hour after the deadline.

The deadline was set as mid-night but most of us are still latching on to it thinking we are going to solve the issues that we have and get a good grade. I am 100% sure that's not going to happen.

So what can I do now? Blogging didn't seem like a bad idea.

Can I think of anything random to write? The only thing on my mind is my PhD. With my adviser decided and research due to start tomorrow I am very excited. Listening to people speak about their PhD it seems the next few years are going to be the toughest of my life. Maybe the biggest test of my patience and perseverance. That's what excites me. Come to think of it I have not done anything that could be branded as impossible in my life. The only thing that came close was latching onto the same girl for many years and tying the knot with the same person. Many thought it would not go that far. It did. But this is the "big deal". It starts tomorrow.

Apart from academics, I can think of getting back to my running. The last two weeks have been very tough with 14-16 hour days. Missed a lot of running. As I don't get to go home for long hours I am reduced to eating in hotels. I have enjoyed the taste but I am 101% sure it is punishment for my body. So I better start running soon.

I am eagerly waiting for South-Africa's tour of India. It will be great to see a closely fought test series. I don't care much for the ODI series though.

My eyes are closing. My brain is switching off. Have to ZZzzzzzzz..........

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