Thursday, July 31, 2008

Documentary: The Corporation

The subject of 'The Corporation' can make very interesting viewing. But it doesn't. However, that does not diminish the importance of the message of this well intended documentary.

Facts I was not aware of:

1. Just like everyone I know corporations can acquire and get rid of assets. But I was surprised to find out how this come into existence. If I am not mistaken it is the fourteenth amendment that was responsible for equating a corporation to an individual. It was interesting hearing the number of cases that were put up at that time, a vast majority of the cases from corporations and not Afro-Americans. Very unlike what we'd expect.

2. IBM's involvement in the concentration camps under Hitler. The subject of 'Iron Man' is so old? What does one say if it is the same today as during WW2?

Michael Moore's reasoning behind how this documentary is released for the world to see is interesting. The flaw in this system allows us to watch this documentary.

For me, the film was too long with not a clear structure. It seemed like they were throwing out evidence after evidence to prove that corporations are villains. They did that well right through the film. I guess that's what documentaries are supposed to do anyway.


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