Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Movie Review: Hellboy 2

Some observations to start with:

1. The creatures are all creative for sure. Special effects are one aspect and the creativity in the creatures that surround Hellboy deserves a very very special mention.

2. The special effects are special. One must keep in mind that for a movie relying so heavily on special effects this is a 'cheap' film at $ 70 million or so. Same was the case with 'Pan's Labyrinth'.

My feelings on this film:

1. Is there a story? I don't see one that deserves a mention. The entire plot of this film is stereotypical.

a. The flashback which the movie opens with does not seem to be linked anywhere in the film. If it is I missed it. I know Hellboy pulls a face on first hearing about the Golden Army but that's it. So the flashback essentially could have been done with.

b. At one stage it seems the film will tackle the issue of deforestation. I was up and game. But then it all fizzled out. Hellboy finishes the forest God and that's it. It is not referred to again. It would have been great to see a creature not from our world tackle a larger issue. No superhero film I have seen has done it.

2. For most part the story moves at nearly-brisk pace with the action and all. However, once Prince Nuada abducts his twin the movie fizzles out. We are told about the destiny of Hellboy which will surely come up in future parts, if there are any. For all the fuss, the Golden Army is almost never raised! I didn't expect that. I felt cheated. The Golden Army is what this film goes by but it hardly has any screen time.

3. To me the second love track didn't fit into the tale. It seemed forced. The moment Abe fell Princess Nuala we all know he is going to be heartbroken. After all the Prince can't be killed without killing the Princess.

4. The part where Hellboy and Abe get drunk, well, what can I say? I should have seen it coming. They seemed to be acting like humans all along. I enjoyed it anyway.

5. I liked Hellboy's girlfriend. Interesting concept of her getting pregnant with Hellboy's twins. Where are they taking this?

6. I felt the destiny bit of Hellboy thrown into this film was so forced and lame. It was totally in-your-face. I know it is the way films are these days. But a smarter way of introduction to the what's coming should have been thought of. For example, the way Joker is introduced at the end of 'Batman Begins'. Else why bother with this? Isn't it first a duty to finish this film properly?

All those were my thoughts on the story. Seems like I didn't like it much, huh? Not really, this is a superhero film and I enter the hall not expecting much. Even after the rave reviews this film got I was not expecting much. But I did have one expection, good special effects and wonderful creatures all served on a budget. I was not disappointed there. I also liked the flamboyant character of Hellboy. He is portrayed as a cool dude.

To sum up, the SAVING GRACE:

1. Wonderful special effects.
2. The toothfairy in particular was spectacular.
3. Hellboy - the cool dude with the coolest lines.


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